
My name is Azka Radinka, I’m a Data Scientist.

My name is Azka Radinka, I’m a Data Scientist.

My name is Azka Radinka,
I’m a Data Scientist.

Experienced in Technical AI Team building voice capabilities. Currently working in AgriFinTech Company.

Experienced in Technical AI Team building voice capabilities. Currently working in AgriFinTech Company.

Experienced in Technical AI Team building voice capabilities. Currently working in AgriFinTech Company.

I believe that the success of a project is based on good collaboration and being kind.

I believe that the success of a project is based on good collaboration and being kind.

I believe that the success of a project is based on good collaboration and being kind.




Data Scientist at Koltiva

Data Scientist at Koltiva

Data Scientist at Koltiva




Data Scientist at Telkom AI

Data Scientist at Telkom AI

Data Scientist at Telkom AI




ML Students at Google Bangkit

ML Students at Google Bangkit

ML Students at Google Bangkit




Lastest Works

Lastest Works

Lastest Works

Extract unique speaker voice sample from converstional audio data using deep learning.

Extract unique speaker voice sample from converstional audio data using deep learning.

Extract unique speaker voice sample from
converstional audio data using deep learning.

Mapping and Data Assesment for Natural Incident.

Part of xView2 competiion.

Mapping and Data Assesment for Natural Incident. Part of xView2 competiion.

Mapping and Data Assesment for Natural Incident.

Part of xView2 competiion.

Let's get to know each other.

Let's get to know each other.

Let's get to know each other.

© Azka Radinka. 2023